Min huvudsakliga inriktning är företagsstyrning, benämnt "Corporate Governance", vilket är de mekanismer som konstituerar företaget. För tillfället är jag engagerad inom följande projekt:
Humans are motivated by egoism and beloningness. Those are the usual assumtions concerning human behaviour.
Family firms do not receive the attention they should have, given their importance in the Swedish and international economy.
Hur styrs ridskolor, bl a beroende på deras olika juridiska form, och hur utvecklas de?
Business Groups are legally independent firms joined together by some mechanism, particularly by equity ownership, and coordinating the use of one or more resources.
Organisation theorists (e.g., Williamson) have mainly focused corporate governance as an academic subject on the stock markets by researchers in the field of economics (e.g., Jensen), on boards of directors by management theorists (e.g., Pettigrew) and on the organisational form.
The purpose of the study is to explain the presence of voluntary labour in governmental operations through the construction of a theory about the promotive and the preventive conditions for concurrence between voluntary and municipal actions and to test the theory on a data set collected from Swedish municipalities.
Municipalities are very dynamic organisations, experimenting with many different techniques and methods of organising. I investigated two different forms of organising during the 90'ies, the corporation and the public-private partnership.
When arriving to Kristianstad University College, I got involved in the programme of accounting and auditing. It is really a fascinating area.
When inspecting the top of organisations, females are not frequent. This is apparent also in auditing firms, since most of the partners are males.
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