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Remember, Comprehend, Understand

NEW Sista examination sker i augusti, dag och tid okänt, kontakta institutionen för närmare besked.



Course evaluation of HT 2010 is here

Student evaluation of course HT2010 is here (spearman corr analysis is here, but you need to have spss, here is pdf, but hard to read). HH:s evaluation will not be presented here.

Result of exam 13 Jan is here

Correction guide for exam 13 Jan 2011 is here


My suggestion of solution on the case North Auto, assignment 1 is here.

Course description can be found here



Student evaluation 2009 according to the HH 'politically correct form' is here, and my debate article in Universitetsläraren, which is my public respons, caused by the fact that HH refuse to engage in a debate at the university, is here.

Correction guide for exam 15 Jan, 2010 is here

 Course report 2009 is here and student evaluation is here


Subjects for the candidate dissertation can be found here.


You find the - incomplete - course report from HT08 here

You find the student evaluation HT08 here


On the noble art of citing you find good help at .

An example of an examination can be found here, and the correction guide can be found here.

The list of articles can be found here.

The three pages of simple control theory can be found here. The proper reference to these three pages is like this:

Collin, Sven-Olof, (1990) Aktiebolagets kontroll - ett transaktionskostnadsteoretiskt inlägg i debatten om ägande och kontroll av aktiebolag och storföretag. Lund Studies in Economics and Management 9, Lund: Lund University Press.



Goal of the course

The goal of the course is to develop the students capacity to analyse and critically evaluate the governance of an organisation, mostly a corporation with commercial goals. The course will give the student a competence to work with highly qualified economic tasks within a corporation and governmental organisations, especially those oriented towards governance and control. Finally, the course will prepare the student for doctoral studies.

Our ambition is that your perspectives and ideas, even some of your attitudes, will change during the course. We hope to give you some new perspectives on the corporation and a more educated insight into the functions and processes of a corporation. This will improve your capacity as a professional economist and as an educated participant of society.


NEW: The correction templet for the February written examination is here

NEW: The final examination on the Corporate Governance course will be 9 June. Written examination: 9-14. Paper: deadline 18.00 (only file at


The correction templet for the january written examination is here

The course evaluation you find here. And the evaluation made by the university you find here and here are written comments by the students.

Presentation of the grading of the written examination Friday 3 February, 13-14 in room 21-227. I will try to have a connection through adobe for those that have left the building, using the link below. But, since Alex and Natalie has left the building maybe I don't make it. But I will try.

Instructions for examination is here

Remember to fill in three week check at Its Learning!!!

Some recommendations from my reading and evaluation of partial paper 3 is here.

To get in contact through Adobe, you click here or use the address:


The course plan, and as pdf

The time schedule,

The litterature list (under development)

Tip for the paper and an excellent example of a full paper

Excerpt from Collin

unfortunately, those papers (probably none) that are not avaliable at the library cannot be made publicly avaliable here, so you have to get them through Its Learning.